Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009

As a Self Teacher Seeking for Forgiveness

.........O Creator, Most High and Most Beautiful, Who brought us into this existence and allowed us to feel the infinite pleasure thereof. You have opened to us vast worlds as a book. You have made our consciousness the shore at which Your Divine mysteries lap, and so enabled us to have a sense of them. If You had not unfolded these magnificent worlds to us as in a book, if You had not disclosed Yourself to us, according to our capacity to understand, by sending Prophets, we would not have known You at all.

If You had not established connections between nature and our inner experiences, and endowed us with an innate perception by means of which we might arrive at true knowledge and true gnosis, we could never hope to know Your Divine Essence or anything sure about You. How, then, could we have felt admiration for Your Path? We are Your bonded servants. The recurrent flashes reflected in our consciousness are rays from Your Existence. Whatever we own is entirely by Your gift and favor. We declare this once more, confessing that we are Your obedient slaves who never look for release; rather, we long to renew our bonds.

O Ruler of hearts, on the remembrance and meditation of Whom hearts are fixed, we strive to determine the ways leading to Your Presence and the windows opening upon Your Existence. Sometimes we seek by delving into the reality of things and events, and sometimes by relying upon our intuition. Our goal is to communicate what we receive from You to those whose hearts are sick and whose minds are barren, and to remain faithful to the sublime truths that have been shown there in the clearest possible way.

No doubt we have committed errors and indulged our fancies and whims, for we have not been able to offer the most manifest truths in their essential purity.

If we have made mistakes, we made them while seeking You and trying to guide others. If we have made mistakes, we have made them on the way to You. But a mistake is still a mistake. With broken hearts, spirits doubled up, and necks in chains, we appeal to Your generous judgment. We make this confession in the knowledge that Your unbounded Mercy always overcomes Your Wrath. It is not becoming for Your humble slaves, especially those You have favored, to commit mistakes. Yet since they do, graciously permit me to remark that mercy and forgiveness are becoming most of all to You.

O Ruler of my heart. To the Ruler belongs the royal manner that befits Him, just as servitude befits a slave. If You forgive us, we should wish to study the book of Your universe anew so as to pay attention to the voices that tell of You. We should wish to witness the signs of Your Existence, and to be enraptured by the songs about You, so that we may reach Your holy realm. By Your Graciousness, assist those who are in need!

You can see this article as topic 'The Journey beyond Being' on Fethullah Gulen site.

Bicara Sufistic (penyucian jiwa)

My Poor Point Of View :

Menyoroti dan melihat kehidupan dulu dan kini dari gambaran realiti. Cuba mencari jawapan disebalik kewujudan alam realiti kehidupan kini. Lapang-lapang di petang hari menyebabkan saya menyoroti beberapa laman sesawang dan terjumpa dengan satu tulisan Fethullah Gulen yang berbentuk luahan perasaan seorang hamba kepada Khaliq.

Saat itu juga saya berasakan terlalu kurangnya membicarakan persoalan tazkiyah an-Nafs (penyucian jiwa) tatkala dihanyutkan dengan kehidupan seharian yang mengelirukan. Semua insan berkeinginan untuk menjadi makhluk yang taat namun disebabkan manisnya hawa nafsu terkadang menyebabkan manusia kecundang. Seperti nukilan hikmat Ibnu Athaillah as-Sakandari :

"Ketika manisnya hawa nafsu menguasai kalbu, itulah penyakit hati nan telah membatu "
(Ibnu Athaillah as-Sakandari)

Allah menghubungkan manusia dengan alam realiti dan alam batin sehinggakan memberi kesedaran dari keadaan az-zulumat kepada an-nur. Namun apa yang mengelirukan ialah tatkala ingin berdiri tegak diatas kesedaran an-nur terkadang tewas dalam realiti kehidupan. Manusia yang kerap kali membuat kesilapan dan seraya itu juga memohon keampunan serta berulang kali juga melakukannya kembali kesilapan. Kesilapan tetaplah dikenali dengan kesilapan, namun untuk merubahnya menjadi kebenaran adalah sesuatu yang amat sukar. Hanya diri sendiri mampu merubah diri, dan hanya bantuan dari-Nya manusia mampu bergantung harap dan tetap teguh dalam as-saff (barisan) perjuangan.

" Membangkitkan kesedaran adalah suatu yang sukar, namun untuk berdiri utuh dan menggerakkan kesedaran yang diberi Allah adalah lebih sukar dan perit untuk diterjemahkan dalam kehidupan. "
Manusia yang dipilih Allah SAW untuk diberi kesedaran adalah manusia istimewa. Namun terkadang manusia ini lupa untuk menghargai kesedaran yang diberikan oleh-Nya.
A native man who's always seeking for forgiveness from Khaliq , pray for Allah to stick in the right path and the right action.

Coretan Kesufian

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