Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. Iqbal's philosophy of life: i. Evolution of Iqbal's outlook. ii. Man - his position and role in Iqbal's philosophical scheme. iii. Concept of 'Khudi'. iv. Factors or essentials of 'Khudi'. 3. The educational philosophy of Iqbal: i. Iqbal's exposition of educational environment. ii. Iqbal's educational viewpoint. iii. Aims of education. iv. Dimensions of educational activity. 4. Analysis of Iqbal's educational philosophy: i. Synthesis in Iqbal's approach. ii. Unity and uniqueness in Iqbal's outlook. iii. Conclusion. Bibliography.
"The present study is a treatise which deals with Educational philosophy of Iqbal. The author has endeavoured to project Iqbal's philosophy of education and its bearing on different dimension of educational activity. Present work is an effort to bring-out this point of view in an elaborate and systematic manner.
The author has highlighted objective and critical approach of Iqbal with reference to both modern and Madrasa Education. In this backdrop, author of the book points out that the intensity and motivating feature of educational philosophy of Iqbal is that it gives due consideration to the dominant tendencies of idealism, naturalism and pragmatism. And fuses these into a unity of thought that would give rise to a theory of education which would suit the needs of the day and satisfy all round aspirations of human soul."
From: Educational Philosophy of Iqbal
From: Educational Philosophy of Iqbal